Saturday, October 15, 2005

Our Force Is In Jamaat

In the name of Allah Mercy, Merciful!

The benediction month Ramadan has come. Time, when the favour of Allah comes nearer to the ground and to the believer in the one God becomes stronger belief in the Founder. This is time of reflections and actions, time of good things, which should not be forgotten by the person during all life.

Allah speaks in the Koran: "hasn't come the time for believers that their hearts were softened at a mention of Allah! "

And what testifies that we have rigid heart or soft? The moslem strictly may carry out all instructions of prayer, a post, to make Hadji, to pay zakiat, but his heart may remain rigid. What it means? Know, about moslem brother, if you are indifferent to troubles and needs of other moslems, if you do not suffer and does not try to help you have rigid heart.

Now in many points of globe flows Muslim blood. Everywhere it is difficult. However that has fallen to the Chechen Republic lot causes feeling of the greatest compassion. Enemies use refined methods to break spirit of moslems, to humiliate them.

In the Chechen Republic exist filtrational (concentration) camp, where by all refined tortures scoff at people. And though the majority of prisoners are man, there frequently get women and children. If to the person was lucky, and he leaves therefrom alive, he has beaten all internal bodies, the body is covered with traces from tortures. And kafirs aren't even strongly trying to hide.

Wide popularity was received with the facts of captures in hostages of Chechen children. So according to the stories of journalists, who have informed about these horrors from words of their native and victims, for example, in concentration camp of Chernokozov contained 10-12 years children including girls, who tortured and beat, and the 14-years girl forced four days. Among hostages were also pregnant women, one of which was on the eighth month.

About, the brother a moslem! If it was your sister or the wife, or mother, - your heart would begin to boil for anger, you would want to revenge immediately. But if, listening to it about other women "Moslem, and you do not have such emotions and you are indifferent to this - means that your heart is covered with thick crust ice.

Chechen children grasps in hostages and tortures till now. More than 40 thousand Chechen children are killed by Russians.

Chechen mukhajirs live in the hardest conditions. Many of them till now huddle on farms, in warehouses of chemical fertilizers. They do not have enough meal, medicines, some fuel. Almost all of them are sick, many people die that there is no elementary medical aid.

Someone may think, what I one can make, and then, this is so far from here! Yes, one person may make nothing. But - it is moslems uniform Umma. Our force is in Jamaat. Only so we may help the friend - to the friend, only together we may release Muslim peoples from oppression and humiliations. All moslems - brothers. And distances may not divide them.

Thinking and caring each other we may recover the heart. Let's recollect the first moslems. When believers left Messa, and made khijr for the sake of Allah, they left the houses and property, for the sake of keeping the most important - belief. And what the inhabitants of Medina did: everone took ansar to himself in the house of mukhajirs (moved) and with him as with the brother, divided in half the roof, the piece of bread and a plate of meal.

In heart of some people, to which Allah (Subkhanakhu va Taalia) has given riches, sometimes creeps in arrogance. They overlook, that these riches belong only to Allah. These people cease to notice, that occurs around them and live in the closed world, though Supreme speaks: "Spend on ways of Allah from what we have given you - "

Let's look at Umar Ibn Al-Khatab, fellower of the Prophet and the second caliph of moslems. During his board moslems have seized the greatest quantity of the grounds, lead Jikhad on a way of Allah and calling people to the Islam. And somehow only on the unique instant in head of Umar has crept in the idea, that he governs such quantity of the grounds, as anybody before him.

But he has driven away from himself this idea. Andcome out on street, Umar was directed on a market. There he has met one visitor person, who unloaded the goods. Umar began to transfer his bags with the goods, and, dealer was thinking, that is the simple worker, was going to pay him at the end of work. Each time when belivers passed by them, they spoke: "Peace to you!" And this dealer was surprised, what a polite people here, that everyone greets, though do not know him. But one person has told: "the Peace to you, the master devout!" The Dealer has thought: "But I am not the master devout!" And only then he has guessed, who this worker was actually.

So Umar has even more strengthened his iman and has recovered his heart with ideas on Allah.

Any of us buying a thing, which is not articles of prime necessity at all, may not hasten with its purchase and think of other moslems who are in heavier position, than we. There is no sense to list that we still may make, everyone knows it own.

Under certificate of Abu Khureir, the Prophet (salAllah aleihim va saliam) spoke:

"Allah will say on Dies Irae: "And son of Adam, I was sick and you have not visited me". Will tell to whom he addressed: "Oh, my God! As though I would not visit you, you see you are the Ruler of two worlds! "

He will tell :"did not you know, that someone of mine slave was sick, and you have not visited him, did not you know that if you would visit him, you would find at him also me! "

He will continue further: "Oh, son of Adam, I asked to feed me, but you have not fed! " that person also will tell: "Oh, God mine! As I shall impregnate you, you are the Mister of all worlds! "

He will tell: "Did not you know, that someone slave has fed you, and you didn't him. And whether you knew, that if you have fed him, you would find livelihood and at me".

Will tell then: "Oh, son of Adam, I tested thirst, but you have not given to drink me! " that person will tell: "Oh, my God! As I shall give to drink you, if you are the Ruler of All worlds! "

Will tell Supreme: "One of mine slave has asked you to give drink, but you have not given him drink, did not you know, that if you have given him drink, you would find it at me! "

Assaliamu alekum va rakhmatuLlakhi va barakatukhu!

Kavkaz Center

2005-10-10 14:26:54