Friday, September 30, 2005

To The Pseudo Men In Our Ummah

To The Pseudo Men In Our Ummah: "Sheikh Ibn Al-Juzee, a respected Islamic scholar, a writer, and a historian, was living at the time and was the Imam of the Amawy Mosque, in Damascus. On one Friday, Ibn Al-Juzee delivered a very moving Friday sermon that had a very unique and dramatic ending.

Here are the most important excerpts from his sermon that day:

“Oh people : How have you forgotten your religion, abandoned your glory, and stayed put instead of rushing to defend the religion of Allah? Are you content with staying behind? Did you think that glory and honor were meant to belong to the Kafirs? Didn’t you know that Allah made glory and honor to belong to Allah, his messenger, and the believers? Don’t you feel any pain when you see the enemy of Allah and your enemy step with his filthy feet on your land which was made yours by the blood of your fathers? Don’t you feel ashamed that the filthy Kafirs humiliate you and use you as slaves while not too long ago you were the masters of this world? Don’t your hearts shake and don’t you feel any anger seeing what the enemies of Allah are doing to your brothers and sisters? How could you see your brothers and sisters here and in neighboring towns being tortured and humiliated and continue to eat, drink and enjoy life?

Oh people, war is going on, the caller of Jihad is calling on you, and the skies have opened their doors (to receive those who would be martyrs). If you are not capable of answering the call for Jihad, get out of the away then, step aside, and let women do the job for you. In the meantime, you may go home and reach for makeup kits and put some on your faces. Go ahead and reach for the Makahils (special tool that was used to beautify the inside of women eyes with a black paste called Kuhl). You are women with turbans and beards, are you not? If not, then get out of here to the horses, and here are the bridles for them (horses).

At this very moment, Sheikh Ibn Al-Juzee threw a package on the floor of the Mosque, and then asked the sitting worshipers: Do you know what that is? Do you know from what material the horse bridles were made? He then answered his own question:

These bridles were made by women from their own hair as they do not have anything else in their possession to offer you. I swear by Allah, these are braids of hair from women whose hair was never seen by the eye of the sun. The women cut off those braids because romance time has ended and war time has begun. The holy war in the cause of Allah first and to defend our land and dignity second, has begun. If you cannot control the horses with these bridles, then take the bridles home and use them to beautify yourself. Haven’t you any dignity left?

The sheikh then turned his head away from the worshipers and let his eyes gaze throughout the Mosque and started to shout:

“May the pillars of this Masjid sway freely, may the gravels separate and scatter with force and may hearts burn with bruises and pain, as men have given up their manhood.”